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Why I Took a Social Media Sabbatical

Content creation isn't all it's cracked up to be 😂

Me, mid-social media sabbatical, on an awesome vacation with my husband.

As most of you know, ThinBlueLifestyle is what I like to refer to as a "side hustle." I have my career as a Sheriff's Deputy and I do TBL stuff daily for fun. Luckily for me, it has started to generate a profit. Small, but still something I am proud of and something I see that has the potential for growth.

I started TBL in August 2020 and it can be EXHAUSTING coming up with content ideas. No one warns you of the *dark side* of content creation (note to the reader: I loathe the title "Instagram influencer" so I will never call myself that...I think "influencer" has more of a negative connotation, while "creator" sparks more dignity...if you disagree, let me know in the comments lol.) Granted- yes, there is only so much one can discuss in the 2A and safety world, but I was getting sick of posting on a topic and then seeing a larger account (who happened to be following me) post on the same exact thing (with verrrry similar talking points) a week later and have their post blow up while I sulk over my two dozen "likes." Call me crazy but thats some Grade A copying and although I love the concept of learning together, I would appreciate a shoutout like, "I saw Fran from TBL discuss this and she has some great ideas" rather than just copying and pasting with no street cred 🤷‍♀️ I was always very big on giving credit where credit is due. I learned from my mentor, Emily (you can catch her over on that it was best to just block and move on in situations like that.

I quickly adopted the "block and delete" mindset for all the negativity in the social media world. As a woman in law enforcement, I was used to the hate. I've been called every name in the book and rarely bat an eye but it never ceases to amaze me how filled with hate someone can be towards me when they 1) don't even know my full name and 2) have never met me in person. During my first social media sabbatical, someone DM'd me saying they hope they see my Instagram stories capturing my utter devastation while I sob over my husband's dead body because he had been murdered at work. *Pause to pray for this guy's sanity because he CLEARLY needs some help...or a swift kick to the side of the head...* This man proceeded to DM me NINE separate messages telling me how he hoped to see my life become miserable. Some people really need mental health help. I'm not telling you this story for pity but I received that disgusting, hateful message when I had less than 3,000 followers. As TBL continues to grow, so does support for my page but unfortunately the haters grow with you as well.

Because of this, I found that a social media sabbatical was really beneficial for my mental health. Getting away from the negativity and constant pressure of having to be "on" all the time for social media was an amazing feeling. I took a little over a month off and it was great to not feel obligated to post every other day or respond to DM's immediately. If you're a content creator I highly recommend you do the same. It was a great feeling to just be me, and not "Fran from ThinBlueLifestyle" all the time.

My husband and I, living our best Disney life on vacation day 1, long before our feet started to hurt😂

While on my social media break, I focused my free time on my husband, my family and our pets. My husband and I went to Florida and had an amazing vacation. I did do occasional posting on stories while I was there because I couldn't help but share the amazing time I was having.

Was the Beach Club Resort disgustingly expensive? Yes. Would we stay here again? Also yes.

My break from social media gave me a chance to recharge and fill my tank. I had no idea I was running on empty until I took a step back and realized it was time for myself and my loved ones. Social media is great and I love the connections I've built through TBL but it is important to remember to put yourself and your needs first at times. I've only been back for a little over a month and I'm already looking forward to my next social media sabbatical 😂

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